Friday, May 17, 2013

Sunset Ranch / Horseback riding

TRAVEL BY NIC…….The Perpetual Tourist!


Sunset Ranch/Horseback riding - 3400 N. Beachwood Dr.

So I had a GREAT Mothers Day!!  My family helped me cross of an item on my tourist “To Do” list!!  Plus my girl had horseback riding on her bucket list….#26!!  So you know I can’t just ride horses at just any ranch…….right?!?!  It had to be Sunset Ranch!!  Why you ask?!  Because you get great views of the Hollywood sign and great views of Los Angeles!

Just the address alone should tell the most seasoned tourists that you’re headed for the iconic sign!  As you’re driving down Beachwood the Hollywood sign is straight in front of you!  Many people drive this street for perfect views of the sign.  Right before you reach the Hollywood Hills, where the ranch is located, you will encounter beautiful stone pillars that were supposed to support a gate into Hollywoodland.  Right in front of you is the original real-estate office for Hollywoodland.  In this area you’ll find a small shopping area with a market and café.

As you wind your way up the hill to the ranch, enjoy the twisted roads and beautiful mansions.  Just know that you’re surrounded by several celebrity residences.  I’m always eyeballing the joggers and dog walkers hoping I’ll see someone famous out on their run.

So once you get to the sign announcing that you’ve arrived at Sunset Ranch, just a heads up, the drive is incredibly narrow!  We chose to park towards the bottom of the hill, and this old mama had a hard time making the climb to the ranch but I made it!  There was some parking up near the ranch, but again, I don’t know what you do if you encounter a car coming the opposite direction….it is NARROW!  Besides reaching Sunset Ranch, you will also encounter miles & miles worth of trails that wind around through the hills of Griffith park.


Sunset Ranch offers all kinds of different packages.  We just did the 1 hour ride, which was just right for us!  Our 1 hour ride cost us $40.00 per person / 2 hour ride $60 per person.  Something to remember, you are expected to tip your experienced guides that take you up into the hills.  (tips suggestions range from $10-$20 per person).  Sunset Ranch also offers lunch & dinner rides that range in price.  As-of-today, they do offer 2 for 1 prices on Tuesdays!

So we took our 1 hour ride around 11am and it was sooooo hot!  There was really not much shade at all on the trails.  They will pick your horse according to your experience, “Beginner, Intermediate, or Experienced”.  You will of course be expected to sign a waiver and wear a helmet.  I was worried about getting on the horse!!!  LOL, I thought my husband may have to push my bum up since I have no upper body strength, but I was thrilled that the horses pull up to a ledge that we’re standing on, so it was no problem at all getting on your horse.  If you are afraid of heights, please keep in mind that the horses like to ride along the edge of the trail….so don’t look down.  Since the guides won’t remember your name, you’re expected to remember your horses name!  I rode “Mouse”!  Yes!  A horse named Mouse!  He was a naughty boy!  He kept holding up the hold whole line no matter how much I tried to get him to go!  (He just knew he had a non-experienced person on him!)

Our day was a little hazy, but on a clear day I’m sure you could see Catalina from up there!  I hope you enjoy my photos, but I gotta confess, it hard to take a good photo with one hand, on the back of a horse!  I couldn’t really zoom or anything fancy.  Just know, I highly recommend this ride!  If you’re going to ride a horse why not do it at a place that offers breathtaking views?!



  1. In order to enjoy the most adventurous vacations people book horseback riding trips.

    Ruby's Horseback Adventures

  2. Horseback riding can be a unique experience in Maui with exceptional number of ranches working here.

    Horseback Riding Bryce Canyon National Park
