Saturday, December 15, 2012

Orpheum Theatre Los Angeles / A Christmas Story Perpetual Tourist!

842 S Broadway, Los Angeles

Ok, I know you’re going to be impressed…….I’m a member of the LA Conservancy!  (Doesn’t that sound impressive?!)  I impressed myself with this membership!  For $25 a year, I get to take advantage of some of Los Angeles most beautiful buildings!!  I have always loved architecture, so this was a no brainer for me!  So let me tell you about one of the activities I learned about from this membership.

Los Angeles is loaded with opulent theatres and every once in awhile they open their doors to the Conservancy.  This was one of those occasions.  I took the family and friends to the Orpheum Theatre and we were able to enjoy the “vintage” film: “A Christmas Story”.  With the membership we paid $10 per person, but others could view the movie for $15 per person.  Of course downtown parking will vary, but we paid $15 for parking.

While waiting in line for the movie to start we were surrounded by other BEAUTIFUL buildings….the United Artist Building, Eastern Building (Outside used for ICarly) and several other art deco buildings.  Doors opened at 1:15pm with the movie starting at 2pm, you want to get there early so you can explore the theatre and take photos.

While we enjoyed the opulence of the theater we had a gentleman playing Christmas songs on the beautiful organ on stage.  El Capitan also has an ornate gold organ, but it is in Hollywood, this is the only organ on Broadway.  The theatre has opulent side balconies, beautiful gilded walls, vintage light fixtures and intricate ceilings.  (Remember…..always look up!)  The lobby is made with white marble that showcases powerful columns.  The staircases are regal with beautiful bronze ladies holding up multi lighted flames to light your path.  Downstairs you’ll find dark paneling with a fireplace where people were able to lounge during intermission.

I have been able to see 2 of the beautiful theatres in LA, and while the Orpheum is very beautiful, if you have the opportunity to only see one theatre while visiting……see the LA Theatre!!  More about that later but it is jaw dropping!  LA Theatre has 2 balconies, 2 downstairs areas, one includes a ballroom, AND we were even invited to see the projection room.  Because I totally appreciate beautiful building, I would have paid the $10 just to see the insides of these theatres so to see a movie is just a bonus!  I mean think about how much you pay to see a movie these days…..why not enjoy a theatre that beckons you back to days of glamour and ritz?!


Monday, October 29, 2012

Riley Farms Perpetual Tourist!
Riley Farms / 12261 S. Oak Glen Rd, Oak Glen, CA

OK, I gotta admit, I’ve only been to Riley Farms in the Fall!  Again, since I’m from Kansas I soooo miss the feel of Autumn.  I love to head up there and go hunting for pumpkins!  Seriously, check out their website!  If you aren’t picking out a pumpkin, you can pick apples, you can experience civil war reenactments, enjoy entertaining evening shows that engage you.  Take your camera for all of those fun Fall photos.  They have 2 restaurants,  Hawks Head which takes you to Colonial times with a British feel.  Or the Old Packing Shed will offer you a more rustic feel to your meal.

Originally I heard about Riley Farms while working at a tour company that specialized in student travel.  When we had schools that couldn’t afford to travel to the Williamsburg or Jamestown, this was a local alternative.  I watched as they engaged the kids in candle making, tom-a-hawk throwing, archery and several other activities.  Around every corner you’ll see quaint little bridges & paths perfect for photos.

I have yet to experience one of their dinner shows, but it is on my bucket list!  You’ll notice that they have special dining events for any season.  The Old Packing Shed is buffet style with long picnic table to sit at.  They will post the entertainment that they provide for the evening depending on the holiday.  For example at Halloween it’s all about the Headless Horseman!  But they also have special events for Mothers Day, Fathers Day, St Patrick’s Day, Thanksgiving & Christmas.  Hawks Head, has a different feel.  During the dinner events, you will be served a plated meal by the maids, you’ll have a more intimate candlelight feel to the Holidays.  However…..both places are open during the day to dine at.  I’ve eaten at both and enjoy both very much.

My only warning…….Lots of bee’s!  They do have plenty of bee traps hanging up, but there is something about all of the fruit laying around on the ground that attacks them, and yes….I did get stung, but it was kinda my own fault….who wears flip flops to a pumpkin patch in the hills?!

So go!  Explore!  It’s free to wander around. (Oak Glen was about 1 ½ from our Orange County location)  Only if you want to pick, eat, or participate in the activities will you be charged.  But again, even the wandering around is beautiful!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Endeavour travels the streets of Los Angeles!

Endeavour Space Shuttle

Ok, so I’ve been busy this weekend, but I gotta say……this is a once in a lifetime treat I got to see!  I got to see the Endeavour work its way through the streets of LA!!  It took 3 days to go 12 miles from LAX to the California Science Center in LA.  It took about hour to go one mile…..if we were lucky!

We hung out at Crenshaw & Martin Luther King Blvd.  The Endeavor was supposed to arrive at 2pm on Saturday; however it didn’t show up until 7:30pm!!  BUT….well worth it!  I think it was the perfect spot to be in!  While waiting for her to arrive, Debbie Allen entertained us with dance routines, we had guest speakers; astronauts, mayors, and everyone in-between.  There were 1000’s of people waiting and several got over heated and fatigued.  However, I just took a break and people watched.  It’s no secret that the Endeavour went through some of the roughest parts of town, however, I could feel a pride with people of all walks of life gathering together to wait for the orbiter.  Two local people chatted with us for several minutes, everyone seemed kind and ready to wait this out.  I cracked up seeing Darth Vader amongst us and smiled when I saw 2 little cuties dressed up in their shinning silver astronaut costumes.  Chatted with the guy selling water from a cart he was towing and observed 2 guys selling Obama posters, carefully laying them out on a bush and lighting their incense….kinda like setting up shop!  Of course you did have the lady pushing around a shopping cart selling Endeavour t-shirts & posters.

The sun went down, and the weather chilled.  First we saw all of the flashing light of the cops and escorts then slowly we began to see her nose edging straight towards us!  I think the highlight was watching her get turned.  Believe it or not, that did not take much time at all!  Matter-of-fact, I wish I would have videoed it.  So we were lucky enough to see her straight on and her side view as she got ready to proceed down Martin Luther King Blvd.  The last portion of her journey.

The Endeavour and transporter weighted 170,000 pounds so many of the LA roads had to have steel plates laid down to protect the roads and all of the underground tunnels and wiring…..who really knows what lives beneath the roads of Los Angeles?!  We saw the black nose coming towards us 1st and then you couldn’t miss the wing span and tail wing (those are layman’s words ok…..don’t hate me!)  The shuttle is 5 stories tall and the wingspan stretches 78 feet.  It was as long as a football field!  That’s HUGE people!
I feel very fortunate getting to see it on the move just because I doubt I’ll ever see something like that again.  However…..just because you didn’t see it “on the move”, don’t let that stop you.  You can still check her out at California Science Center.  I went to their website ( and found that the tickets run $8.25 per adult.  You do have to get timed tickets so make sure you check out reserving them ahead of time.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

LA Live!

Ok, so reallllly we had to get my daughter to the Justin Bieber concert at the Staples Center, but I of course turned this into a "Perpetual Tourist" event!

Since my husband was already in the city, we took Amtrak from the Irvine Station to Union Station.  About a 1 hour ride that is much more relaxing then driving into the Los Angeles at 4pm if you know what I mean?!  Once there we ran across the street and had a taco on Olivera Street.  (The oldest street in LA!  More about that later!)  Then we drove over to Staples Center.  The only advice I have for you....Patience and lots of one way streets.  I know you can find cheaper parking but we were in an actual LA Live lot that was $15, VERY WELL lit and ok public bathrooms.

Once we took care of Bieber Fever, we got to explore. I was surprised at how everything is right there!  LA Convention Center is right beside the Staples Center with the Nokia Theater directly across the street.  The rest of the Nokia Theater's block is LA Live and is full of great dining options.  It is very alive and hopping into the night.  I loved how bright everything is, the digital screens all over are awesome.  Don't get me wrong.....nothing can duplicate Times Square, but something about the lighting reminded me of Times Square.  If you've been there, do you know what I mean?!  So while we were waiting for the concert to end we ate at the Yard House out on the patio,( all of the restaurants seem to have patios, it's a great place to watch all of the action.)  Anywayyyyyy, back to the Yard House,  I totally recommend the salted butterscotch pudding with crumbled cookies and whipped cream topping!  Wow!  So good but so rich, was only able to eat half!

We did walk down Figueroa. 1 block down you will find the very charming Figueroa Hotel.  I just walked into the lobby but I've added some photos so you can see the character of the place.  The hotel was built in 1925 and was originally a YWCA if you have a chance to check it out on their website you will find a beautiful little hotel with a Moroccan feel.


Go one more block down and you will come to The Pantry.  A famous place that has been open since 1924 and has never been closed! It's open 24 hours a day and YES!  It does serve good food with generous portions.  Just a "heads up....."  they only take cash, no credit cards or checks. Again, one of those famous landmarks that it's fun to say I've experienced!

Oh, by-the-way.....according to Annie the Bieber Concert was "amazingly spectacular wonderous and Bieberlicious."

Monday, October 1, 2012

Hollywood Cemeteries

TRAVEL BY NIC…….The Perpetual Tourist!

It's finally here...TravelByNic's first travel blog! I hope you enjoy and I would appreciate any comments or feedback! I would like to make this an interactive blog with any subjects that I post.
I wanted to make my first blog October/Halloween appropriate. Can't get any more apporopriate than cemeteries for Halloween!
Cemeteries……or at Halloween I’d call them….Graveyards!!
Only in LA can you find free entertainment in the cemeteries looking for stars of days gone by!  I have visited 2.  Forever Hollywood / 6000 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood, CA,  It’s right off of Santa Monica Blvd and it’s a huge cemetery.  Besides being chucked full of famous names, the sheer size of some of the graves will have your head spinning!  For example, I can’t help but think Mr. DeMille’s  plot costs more than my house!  When you find Mel Blanc’s grave (the man that voiced Bugs Bunny) you’ll read “That’s All folks” on his tombstone.  There is one stone that looks like a rocket ship!  The flower shop / office at the front of the cemetery will sell you maps that point out where to find your favorite celebrities. 

Besides looking for the famous graves. I loved admiring the graves from different cultures that I never experienced back in Kansas!  It is a beautiful place to enjoy, but remember to be respectful, this is a place where even though we may be in awe of the people we find entombed, it’s also a place that people come to mourn.


Westwood Memorial Park / 1218 Glendon Ave, Westwood, CA …..IF you can find this tiny little cemetery it’s a gem!  It is off of Wilshire, surrounded by tall buildings, the road that leads to the cemetery actually looks like your heading into a parking garage!  BUT if you can find it you’ll get to pay your respects to Marilyn Monroe, Farrah Fawcett, Natalie Wood, Don Knotts, Fanny Brice (Anyone remember Funny Girl), Dean Martin and soooo many more!