Sunday, October 14, 2012

Endeavour travels the streets of Los Angeles!

Endeavour Space Shuttle

Ok, so I’ve been busy this weekend, but I gotta say……this is a once in a lifetime treat I got to see!  I got to see the Endeavour work its way through the streets of LA!!  It took 3 days to go 12 miles from LAX to the California Science Center in LA.  It took about hour to go one mile…..if we were lucky!

We hung out at Crenshaw & Martin Luther King Blvd.  The Endeavor was supposed to arrive at 2pm on Saturday; however it didn’t show up until 7:30pm!!  BUT….well worth it!  I think it was the perfect spot to be in!  While waiting for her to arrive, Debbie Allen entertained us with dance routines, we had guest speakers; astronauts, mayors, and everyone in-between.  There were 1000’s of people waiting and several got over heated and fatigued.  However, I just took a break and people watched.  It’s no secret that the Endeavour went through some of the roughest parts of town, however, I could feel a pride with people of all walks of life gathering together to wait for the orbiter.  Two local people chatted with us for several minutes, everyone seemed kind and ready to wait this out.  I cracked up seeing Darth Vader amongst us and smiled when I saw 2 little cuties dressed up in their shinning silver astronaut costumes.  Chatted with the guy selling water from a cart he was towing and observed 2 guys selling Obama posters, carefully laying them out on a bush and lighting their incense….kinda like setting up shop!  Of course you did have the lady pushing around a shopping cart selling Endeavour t-shirts & posters.

The sun went down, and the weather chilled.  First we saw all of the flashing light of the cops and escorts then slowly we began to see her nose edging straight towards us!  I think the highlight was watching her get turned.  Believe it or not, that did not take much time at all!  Matter-of-fact, I wish I would have videoed it.  So we were lucky enough to see her straight on and her side view as she got ready to proceed down Martin Luther King Blvd.  The last portion of her journey.

The Endeavour and transporter weighted 170,000 pounds so many of the LA roads had to have steel plates laid down to protect the roads and all of the underground tunnels and wiring…..who really knows what lives beneath the roads of Los Angeles?!  We saw the black nose coming towards us 1st and then you couldn’t miss the wing span and tail wing (those are layman’s words ok…..don’t hate me!)  The shuttle is 5 stories tall and the wingspan stretches 78 feet.  It was as long as a football field!  That’s HUGE people!
I feel very fortunate getting to see it on the move just because I doubt I’ll ever see something like that again.  However…..just because you didn’t see it “on the move”, don’t let that stop you.  You can still check her out at California Science Center.  I went to their website ( and found that the tickets run $8.25 per adult.  You do have to get timed tickets so make sure you check out reserving them ahead of time.

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